
Ansible playbooks for Alpine + Xfce laptop setup
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system-setup.yml (3273B)

      1 ---
      2 - hosts: laptop
      3   gather_facts: false
      4   tasks:
      5     - name: Install python3
      6       raw: apk update && apk add python3
      8 - hosts: laptop
      9   gather_facts: true
     10   tasks:
     11     - name: Switch sshd to only allow ssh key access to root
     12       lineinfile:
     13           dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
     14           regexp: "^PermitRootLogin"
     15           line: "PermitRootLogin prohibit-password"
     16       notify:
     17         - restart sshd
     19     - name: Enable community repo
     20       lineinfile:
     21           dest: /etc/apk/repositories
     22           regexp: "^# (http.*/alpine/.*/community)"
     23           line: '\1'
     24           backrefs: true
     25           firstmatch: true
     27     - name: Setup Xorg
     28       raw: setup-xorg-base xf86-video-intel
     30     - name: Setup system apps
     31       apk:
     32         name:
     33           - apk-tools-doc
     34           - acpid
     35           - acpid-doc
     36           - acpi-utils
     37           - acpi-utils
     38           - alsa-utils
     39           - alsa-utils-doc
     40           - chrony
     41           - chrony-openrc
     42           - ca-certificates
     43           - doas
     44           - doas-doc
     45           - dbus
     46           - dbus-openrc
     47           - dbus-x11
     48           - elogind
     49           - polkit-elogind
     50           - man-db
     51           - util-linux
     52           - util-linux-doc
     53           - pciutils
     54           - pciutils-doc
     55           - usbutils
     56           - usbutils-doc
     57           - coreutils
     58           - coreutils-doc
     59           - binutils
     60           - binutils-doc
     61           - findutils
     62           - findutils-doc
     63           - grep
     64           - grep-doc
     65           - iproute2
     66           - iproute2-doc
     67           - udisks2
     68           - udisks2-doc
     69           - xfce4
     70           - xfce4-terminal
     71           - xfce4-screensaver
     72           - lightdm-gtk-greeter
     73           - pipewire
     74           - pipewire-doc
     75           - pipewire-tools
     76           - wireplumber
     77           - udev
     78           - wireless-tools-doc
     79           - wpa_supplicant-doc
     80             wpa_gui
     81           - xauth
     82           - xauth-doc
     83           - xhost
     84           - xhost-doc
     85           - xmodmap
     86           - xmodmap-doc
     87         state: present
     88         update_cache: true
     90     - name: Install pipewire config file
     91       copy:
     92         src: ./configs/etc/pipewire.conf
     93         dest: /etc/pipewire/
     95     - name: Install acpid handler
     96       copy:
     97         src: ./configs/etc/
     98         dest: /etc/acpi/
    100     - name: Enable doas for wheel group
    101       copy:
    102         src: ./configs/etc/doas.conf
    103         dest: /etc/doas.d/
    105     - name: Setup wpa_supplicant
    106       file:
    107         path: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    108         owner: root
    109         group: root
    110         mode: '0600'
    112     - name: Setup for wpa_cli and wpa_gui use
    113       lineinfile:
    114           dest: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    115           regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
    116           line: "{{ item.line }}"
    117       with_items:
    118           - { regexp: '^update_config', line: 'update_config=1' }
    119           - { regexp: '^ctrl_interface', line: 'ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev' }
    121     - name: Enable services service
    122       service:
    123         name: "{{ item }}"
    124         state: started
    125         enabled: yes
    126       with_items:
    127         - dbus
    128         - lightdm
    129         - acpid
    130         - udev
    132   handlers:
    133     - name: restart sshd
    134       service:
    135         name: sshd
    136         state: restarted
    137         enabled: yes