Hygrosens Python Library
Hygrosens manufactures a number of sensors for measuring temperature, humidity, light level, pressure. Their devices use a common serial data format for a wide variety of sensors, include 1-wire sensors from Dallas. This library reads the output from Hygrosens devices and passes it to a calling function as a hash. I have included an example that outputs the readings in human readable format, and another that stores the readings into a MySQL database.

Humidity/Temperature sensor

Weather station with temperature, humidity (relative and absolute), light level and pressure. The 9V battery adapter is my own modification for my 9V wall-wart power supply.
- Source
- Current Version
- Previous Versions
Sample Output
Temperature : 21.75C Rel. Humidity : 30.84% Dew Point : 3.81C Abs. Humidity : 5.90% Light Level : 12 Light Level : 0 Light Level : 0 Light Level : 0 Pressure : 100194.38
- Requirements
- Release Notes
- v0.5 - Initial release with working class library and examples. Not enough documentation has been written yet.
- v0.6 - Added weather.py example to graph the output from the weather station using RRDtool graphs
Hygrosens Documents The Hygrosens website is all in German, which I don't read. Here are english copies of some of their documentation