commit 6b2b6eea9a671689cfe19d50028c54de9787ef4c
parent 63142b2a425a52524f5404e81918641dcee82ce0
Author: Brian C. Lane <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 18:34:56 -0700
Change main function to mediaServer
3 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-)
diff --git a/HMS/source/appDisplayDirectory.brs b/HMS/source/appDisplayDirectory.brs
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-'** Home Media Server Application - Main
-'** Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Brian C. Lane All Rights Reserved.
-'** Display a scrolling grid of everything on the server
-Function displayDirectory( url As String ) As Object
- print "url: ";url
- port=CreateObject("roMessagePort")
- grid = CreateObject("roGridScreen")
- grid.SetMessagePort(port)
- grid.SetDisplayMode("scale-to-fit")
- ' Build list of Category Names from the top level directories
- listing = getDirectoryListing(url)
- if listing = invalid then
- print "Failed to get directory listing for ";url
- return invalid
- end if
- categories = displayFiles(listing, {}, true)
- Sort(categories, function(k)
- return LCase(k[0])
- end function)
- ' Setup Grid with categories
- titles = CreateObject("roArray", categories.Count(), false)
- titles.Push("Search")
- for i = 0 to categories.Count()-1
- print "Category: :";categories[i][0]
- titles.Push(getLastElement(categories[i][0]))
- end for
- grid.SetupLists(titles.Count())
- grid.SetListNames(titles)
- ' Hold all the movie objects
- screen = CreateObject("roArray", categories.Count(), false)
- ' Add as utility row
- grid.SetContentList(0, getUtilRow(url))
- screen.Push(search)
- ' run the grid
- showTimeBreadcrumb(grid, true)
- grid.SetFocusedListitem(0, 1)
- grid.Show()
- loadingDialog = ShowPleaseWait("Loading Movies...", "")
- total = 0
- ' Setup each category's list
- for i = 0 to categories.Count()-1
- cat_url = url + "/" + categories[i][0]
- listing = getDirectoryListing(cat_url)
- listing_hash = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
- for each f in listing
- listing_hash.AddReplace(f, "")
- end for
- ' What kind of directory is this?
- dirType = directoryType(listing_hash)
- if dirType = 1 then
- displayList = displayFiles(listing, { jpg : true })
- else if dirType = 2 then
- displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp3 : true })
- else if dirType = 3 then
- displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true } )
- else if dirType = 4 then
- displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true } )
- end if
- total = total + displayList.Count()
- loadingDialog.SetTitle("Loading Movie #"+Stri(total))
- if dirType <> 0 then
- Sort(displayList, function(k)
- return LCase(k[0])
- end function)
- list = CreateObject("roArray", displayList.Count(), false)
- for j = 0 to displayList.Count()-1
- list.Push(MovieObject(displayList[j], cat_url, listing_hash))
- end for
- grid.SetContentList(1+i, list)
- screen.Push(list)
- else
- grid.SetContentList(1+i, [])
- screen.Push([])
- end if
- end for
- loadingDialog.Close()
- while true
- msg = wait(30000, port)
- if type(msg) = "roGridScreenEvent" then
- if msg.isScreenClosed() then
- return -1
- elseif msg.isListItemFocused()
- print "Focused msg: ";msg.GetMessage();"row: ";msg.GetIndex();
- print " col: ";msg.GetData()
- elseif msg.isListItemSelected()
- print "Selected msg: ";msg.GetMessage();"row: ";msg.GetIndex();
- print " col: ";msg.GetData()
- if msg.GetIndex() = 0 and msg.GetData() = 0 then
- checkServerUrl(true)
- else if msg.GetIndex() = 0 and msg.GetData() = 1 then
- ' search returns a roArray of MovieObjects
- results = searchScreen(screen)
- ' Make a new search rot
- searchRow = getUtilRow(url)
- searchRow.Append(results)
- ' Remove the old one and add the new one, selecting first result
- screen.Shift()
- screen.Unshift(searchRow)
- grid.SetContentList(0, searchRow)
- grid.SetFocusedListitem(0, 2)
- else
- playMovie(screen[msg.GetIndex()][msg.GetData()])
- end if
- endif
- else if msg = invalid then
- showTimeBreadcrumb(grid, true)
- endif
- end while
-End Function
-'** Get the utility row (Setup, Search)
-Function getUtilRow(url As String) As Object
- ' Setup the Search/Setup entries for first row
- search = CreateObject("roArray", 2, true)
- o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
- o.ContentType = "episode"
- o.Title = "Setup"
- o.SDPosterUrl = url+"/Setup-SD.png"
- o.HDPosterUrl = url+"/Setup-HD.png"
- search.Push(o)
- o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
- o.ContentType = "episode"
- o.Title = "Search"
- o.SDPosterUrl = url+"/Search-SD.png"
- o.HDPosterUrl = url+"/Search-HD.png"
- search.Push(o)
- return search
-End Function
-'** Return the type of the directory
-Function directoryType(listing_hash As Object) As Integer
- if listing_hash.DoesExist("photos") then
- return 1
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist("songs") then
- return 2
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist("episodes") then
- return 3
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist("movies") then
- return 4
- end if
- return 0
-End Function
-'** Create an object with the movie metadata
-Function MovieObject(file As Object, url As String, listing_hash as Object) As Object
- o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
- o.ContentType = "movie"
- o.ShortDescriptionLine1 = file[1]["basename"]
- ' Default images
- o.SDPosterUrl = url+"default-SD.png"
- o.HDPosterUrl = url+"default-HD.png"
- ' Search for SD & HD images and .bif files
- if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.png") then
- o.SDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.png"
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.jpg") then
- o.SDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.jpg"
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.png") then
- o.HDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.png"
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.jpg") then
- o.HDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.jpg"
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.bif") then
- o.SDBifUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.bif"
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.bif") then
- o.HDBifUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.bif"
- else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+".txt") then
- o.Description = getDescription(url+file[1]["basename"]+".txt")
- end if
- o.IsHD = false
- o.HDBranded = false
- o.Rating = "NR"
- o.StarRating = 100
- o.Title = file[1]["basename"]
- o.Length = 0
- ' Video related stuff (can I put this all in the same object?)
- o.StreamBitrates = [0]
- o.StreamUrls = [url + file[0]]
- o.StreamQualities = ["SD"]
- streamFormat = { mp4 : "mp4", m4v : "mp4", mov : "mp4",
- wmv : "wmv", hls : "hls"
- }
- if streamFormat.DoesExist(file[1]["extension"].Mid(1)) then
- o.StreamFormat = streamFormat[file[1]["extension"].Mid(1)]
- else
- o.StreamFormat = ["mp4"]
- end if
- return o
-End Function
-'** Set breadcrumb to current time
-Function showTimeBreadcrumb(screen As Object, use_ampm As Boolean)
- now = CreateObject("roDateTime")
- now.ToLocalTime()
- hour = now.GetHours()
- if use_ampm then
- if hour < 12 then
- ampm = " AM"
- else
- ampm = " PM"
- if hour > 12 then
- hour = hour - 12
- end if
- end if
- end if
- hour = tostr(hour)
- minutes = now.GetMinutes()
- if minutes < 10 then
- minutes = "0"+tostr(minutes)
- else
- minutes = tostr(minutes)
- end if
- bc = now.AsDateStringNoParam()+" "+hour+":"+minutes+ampm
- screen.SetBreadcrumbText(bc, "")
-End Function
-'** Get the last position for the movie
-Function getLastPosition(movie As Object) As Integer
- ' use movie.Title as the filename
- lastPos = ReadAsciiFile("tmp:/"+movie.Title)
- print "Last position of ";movie.Title;" is ";lastPos
- if lastPos <> "" then
- return strtoi(lastPos)
- end if
- return 0
-End Function
-'** Return a list of the Videos and directories
-'** Videos end in the following extensions
-'** .mp4 .m4v .mov .wmv
-Function displayFiles( files As Object, fileTypes As Object, dirs=false As Boolean ) As Object
- list = []
- for each f in files
- ' This expects the path to have a system volume at the start
- p = CreateObject("roPath", "pkg:/" + f)
- if p.IsValid() and f.Left(1) <> "." then
- fileType = fileTypes[p.Split().extension.mid(1)]
- if (dirs and f.Right(1) = "/") or fileType = true then
- list.push([f, p.Split()])
- end if
- end if
- end for
- return list
-End Function
-'** Play the video using the data from the movie
-'** metadata object passed to it
-Sub playMovie(movie as Object)
- p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
- video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
- video.setMessagePort(p)
- video.SetPositionNotificationPeriod(15)
- movie.PlayStart = getLastPosition(movie)
- video.SetContent(movie)
- lastPos = 0
- while true
- msg = wait(0, video.GetMessagePort())
- if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
- if msg.isScreenClosed() then 'ScreenClosed event
- exit while
- else if msg.isPlaybackPosition() then
- lastPos = msg.GetIndex()
- WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/"+movie.Title, tostr(lastPos))
- else if msg.isfullresult() then
- DeleteFile("tmp:/"+movie.Title)
- else if msg.isRequestFailed() then
- print "play failed: "; msg.GetMessage()
- else
- print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
- end if
- end if
- end while
-End Sub
-'** Check to see if a description file (.txt) exists
-'** and read it into a string.
-'** And if it is missing return ""
-Function getDescription(url As String)
- print "Retrieving description from ";url
- http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
- http.SetUrl(url)
- resp = http.GetToString()
- if resp <> invalid then
- return resp
- end if
- return ""
-End Function
diff --git a/HMS/source/appMain.brs b/HMS/source/appMain.brs
@@ -6,12 +6,6 @@ Sub Main()
'initialize theme attributes like titles, logos and overhang color
- screen = PreShowPosterScreen()
- if screen = invalid then
- print "Error creating initial poster screen"
- return
- end if
' Get server url and make sure it is valid
valid_dir = false
force_edit = false
@@ -24,7 +18,7 @@ Sub Main()
end if
end while
- displayDirectory("http://"+RegRead("ServerURL"))
+ mediaServer("http://"+RegRead("ServerURL"))
End Sub
@@ -54,15 +48,3 @@ Sub initTheme()
End Sub
-'** Setup something as a placeholder while we load
-Function preShowPosterScreen() As Object
- port=CreateObject("roMessagePort")
- screen = CreateObject("roPosterScreen")
- screen.SetMessagePort(port)
- screen.SetListStyle("flat-category")
- screen.Show()
- return screen
-End Function
diff --git a/HMS/source/appMediaServer.brs b/HMS/source/appMediaServer.brs
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+'** Home Media Server Application - Main
+'** Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Brian C. Lane All Rights Reserved.
+'** Display a scrolling grid of everything on the server
+Function mediaServer( url As String ) As Object
+ print "url: ";url
+ port=CreateObject("roMessagePort")
+ grid = CreateObject("roGridScreen")
+ grid.SetMessagePort(port)
+ grid.SetDisplayMode("scale-to-fit")
+ ' Build list of Category Names from the top level directories
+ listing = getDirectoryListing(url)
+ if listing = invalid then
+ print "Failed to get directory listing for ";url
+ return invalid
+ end if
+ categories = displayFiles(listing, {}, true)
+ Sort(categories, function(k)
+ return LCase(k[0])
+ end function)
+ ' Setup Grid with categories
+ titles = CreateObject("roArray", categories.Count(), false)
+ titles.Push("Search")
+ for i = 0 to categories.Count()-1
+ print "Category: :";categories[i][0]
+ titles.Push(getLastElement(categories[i][0]))
+ end for
+ grid.SetupLists(titles.Count())
+ grid.SetListNames(titles)
+ ' Hold all the movie objects
+ screen = CreateObject("roArray", categories.Count(), false)
+ ' Add as utility row
+ grid.SetContentList(0, getUtilRow(url))
+ screen.Push(search)
+ ' run the grid
+ showTimeBreadcrumb(grid, true)
+ grid.SetFocusedListitem(0, 1)
+ grid.Show()
+ loadingDialog = ShowPleaseWait("Loading Movies...", "")
+ total = 0
+ ' Setup each category's list
+ for i = 0 to categories.Count()-1
+ cat_url = url + "/" + categories[i][0]
+ listing = getDirectoryListing(cat_url)
+ listing_hash = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
+ for each f in listing
+ listing_hash.AddReplace(f, "")
+ end for
+ ' What kind of directory is this?
+ dirType = directoryType(listing_hash)
+ if dirType = 1 then
+ displayList = displayFiles(listing, { jpg : true })
+ else if dirType = 2 then
+ displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp3 : true })
+ else if dirType = 3 then
+ displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true } )
+ else if dirType = 4 then
+ displayList = displayFiles(listing, { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true } )
+ end if
+ total = total + displayList.Count()
+ loadingDialog.SetTitle("Loading Movie #"+Stri(total))
+ if dirType <> 0 then
+ Sort(displayList, function(k)
+ return LCase(k[0])
+ end function)
+ list = CreateObject("roArray", displayList.Count(), false)
+ for j = 0 to displayList.Count()-1
+ list.Push(MovieObject(displayList[j], cat_url, listing_hash))
+ end for
+ grid.SetContentList(1+i, list)
+ screen.Push(list)
+ else
+ grid.SetContentList(1+i, [])
+ screen.Push([])
+ end if
+ end for
+ loadingDialog.Close()
+ while true
+ msg = wait(30000, port)
+ if type(msg) = "roGridScreenEvent" then
+ if msg.isScreenClosed() then
+ return -1
+ elseif msg.isListItemFocused()
+ print "Focused msg: ";msg.GetMessage();"row: ";msg.GetIndex();
+ print " col: ";msg.GetData()
+ elseif msg.isListItemSelected()
+ print "Selected msg: ";msg.GetMessage();"row: ";msg.GetIndex();
+ print " col: ";msg.GetData()
+ if msg.GetIndex() = 0 and msg.GetData() = 0 then
+ checkServerUrl(true)
+ else if msg.GetIndex() = 0 and msg.GetData() = 1 then
+ ' search returns a roArray of MovieObjects
+ results = searchScreen(screen)
+ ' Make a new search rot
+ searchRow = getUtilRow(url)
+ searchRow.Append(results)
+ ' Remove the old one and add the new one, selecting first result
+ screen.Shift()
+ screen.Unshift(searchRow)
+ grid.SetContentList(0, searchRow)
+ grid.SetFocusedListitem(0, 2)
+ else
+ playMovie(screen[msg.GetIndex()][msg.GetData()])
+ end if
+ endif
+ else if msg = invalid then
+ showTimeBreadcrumb(grid, true)
+ endif
+ end while
+End Function
+'** Get the utility row (Setup, Search)
+Function getUtilRow(url As String) As Object
+ ' Setup the Search/Setup entries for first row
+ search = CreateObject("roArray", 2, true)
+ o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
+ o.ContentType = "episode"
+ o.Title = "Setup"
+ o.SDPosterUrl = url+"/Setup-SD.png"
+ o.HDPosterUrl = url+"/Setup-HD.png"
+ search.Push(o)
+ o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
+ o.ContentType = "episode"
+ o.Title = "Search"
+ o.SDPosterUrl = url+"/Search-SD.png"
+ o.HDPosterUrl = url+"/Search-HD.png"
+ search.Push(o)
+ return search
+End Function
+'** Return the type of the directory
+Function directoryType(listing_hash As Object) As Integer
+ if listing_hash.DoesExist("photos") then
+ return 1
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist("songs") then
+ return 2
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist("episodes") then
+ return 3
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist("movies") then
+ return 4
+ end if
+ return 0
+End Function
+'** Create an object with the movie metadata
+Function MovieObject(file As Object, url As String, listing_hash as Object) As Object
+ o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
+ o.ContentType = "movie"
+ o.ShortDescriptionLine1 = file[1]["basename"]
+ ' Default images
+ o.SDPosterUrl = url+"default-SD.png"
+ o.HDPosterUrl = url+"default-HD.png"
+ ' Search for SD & HD images and .bif files
+ if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.png") then
+ o.SDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.png"
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.jpg") then
+ o.SDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.jpg"
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.png") then
+ o.HDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.png"
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.jpg") then
+ o.HDPosterUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.jpg"
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.bif") then
+ o.SDBifUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-SD.bif"
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.bif") then
+ o.HDBifUrl = url+file[1]["basename"]+"-HD.bif"
+ else if listing_hash.DoesExist(file[1]["basename"]+".txt") then
+ o.Description = getDescription(url+file[1]["basename"]+".txt")
+ end if
+ o.IsHD = false
+ o.HDBranded = false
+ o.Rating = "NR"
+ o.StarRating = 100
+ o.Title = file[1]["basename"]
+ o.Length = 0
+ ' Video related stuff (can I put this all in the same object?)
+ o.StreamBitrates = [0]
+ o.StreamUrls = [url + file[0]]
+ o.StreamQualities = ["SD"]
+ streamFormat = { mp4 : "mp4", m4v : "mp4", mov : "mp4",
+ wmv : "wmv", hls : "hls"
+ }
+ if streamFormat.DoesExist(file[1]["extension"].Mid(1)) then
+ o.StreamFormat = streamFormat[file[1]["extension"].Mid(1)]
+ else
+ o.StreamFormat = ["mp4"]
+ end if
+ return o
+End Function
+'** Set breadcrumb to current time
+Function showTimeBreadcrumb(screen As Object, use_ampm As Boolean)
+ now = CreateObject("roDateTime")
+ now.ToLocalTime()
+ hour = now.GetHours()
+ if use_ampm then
+ if hour < 12 then
+ ampm = " AM"
+ else
+ ampm = " PM"
+ if hour > 12 then
+ hour = hour - 12
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ hour = tostr(hour)
+ minutes = now.GetMinutes()
+ if minutes < 10 then
+ minutes = "0"+tostr(minutes)
+ else
+ minutes = tostr(minutes)
+ end if
+ bc = now.AsDateStringNoParam()+" "+hour+":"+minutes+ampm
+ screen.SetBreadcrumbText(bc, "")
+End Function
+'** Get the last position for the movie
+Function getLastPosition(movie As Object) As Integer
+ ' use movie.Title as the filename
+ lastPos = ReadAsciiFile("tmp:/"+movie.Title)
+ print "Last position of ";movie.Title;" is ";lastPos
+ if lastPos <> "" then
+ return strtoi(lastPos)
+ end if
+ return 0
+End Function
+'** Return a list of the Videos and directories
+'** Videos end in the following extensions
+'** .mp4 .m4v .mov .wmv
+Function displayFiles( files As Object, fileTypes As Object, dirs=false As Boolean ) As Object
+ list = []
+ for each f in files
+ ' This expects the path to have a system volume at the start
+ p = CreateObject("roPath", "pkg:/" + f)
+ if p.IsValid() and f.Left(1) <> "." then
+ fileType = fileTypes[p.Split().extension.mid(1)]
+ if (dirs and f.Right(1) = "/") or fileType = true then
+ list.push([f, p.Split()])
+ end if
+ end if
+ end for
+ return list
+End Function
+'** Play the video using the data from the movie
+'** metadata object passed to it
+Sub playMovie(movie as Object)
+ p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
+ video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
+ video.setMessagePort(p)
+ video.SetPositionNotificationPeriod(15)
+ movie.PlayStart = getLastPosition(movie)
+ video.SetContent(movie)
+ lastPos = 0
+ while true
+ msg = wait(0, video.GetMessagePort())
+ if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
+ if msg.isScreenClosed() then 'ScreenClosed event
+ exit while
+ else if msg.isPlaybackPosition() then
+ lastPos = msg.GetIndex()
+ WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/"+movie.Title, tostr(lastPos))
+ else if msg.isfullresult() then
+ DeleteFile("tmp:/"+movie.Title)
+ else if msg.isRequestFailed() then
+ print "play failed: "; msg.GetMessage()
+ else
+ print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
+ end if
+ end if
+ end while
+End Sub
+'** Check to see if a description file (.txt) exists
+'** and read it into a string.
+'** And if it is missing return ""
+Function getDescription(url As String)
+ print "Retrieving description from ";url
+ http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
+ http.SetUrl(url)
+ resp = http.GetToString()
+ if resp <> invalid then
+ return resp
+ end if
+ return ""
+End Function