commit d34dca55b42e78baadcb141977e7533f134a3e36
parent 10a751ba8ca912a2d5f3b55394b6057c67fe86c9
Author: Brian C. Lane <>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 14:37:48 -0700
Basic category screen display is running.
1 file changed, 47 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/HMS/source/appDisplayDirectory.brs b/HMS/source/appDisplayDirectory.brs
@@ -41,10 +41,14 @@ Sub displayDirectory( url ) As Void
return LCase(k[0])
end function)
- for each f in displayList
- print f[0]
- print f[1]
- end for
+' for each f in displayList
+' print f[0]
+' print f[1]
+' end for
+ if dirType = 0 then
+ ret = showCategories( displayList )
+ end if
End Sub
@@ -58,7 +62,7 @@ Sub displayFiles( files As Object, fileTypes As Object, dirs=false As Boolean )
for each f in files
' This expects the path to have a system volume at the start
p = CreateObject("roPath", "pkg:/" + f)
- if p.IsValid() then
+ if p.IsValid() and f.Left(1) <> "." then
fileType = fileTypes[p.Split().extension.mid(1)]
if (dirs and f.Right(1) = "/") or fileType = true then
list.push([f, p.Split()])
@@ -69,3 +73,41 @@ Sub displayFiles( files As Object, fileTypes As Object, dirs=false As Boolean )
return list
End Sub
+'** Display a flat-category poster screen of items
+'** return the one selected by the user or nil?
+Sub showCategories( files As Object ) As Object
+ screen = CreateObject("roPosterScreen")
+ screen.SetBreadcrumbText("bc-1", "bc-2")
+ screen.SetMessagePort(m.port)
+ screen.SetListStyle("flat-category")
+ screen.SetListDisplayMode("zoom-to-fill")
+ list = CreateObject("roArray", files.Count(), true)
+ for each f in files
+ print f
+ o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
+ o.ContentType = "episode"
+ o.ShortDescriptionLine1 = f[1]["basename"]
+ print o
+ list.Push(o)
+ end for
+ screen.SetContentList(list)
+ screen.Show()
+ done = false
+ while not done
+ msg = wait(0, m.port)
+ print msg
+ if msg = invalid or msg.isScreenClosed() then
+ return -1
+ else if msg.isListItemSelected() then
+ print "msg: ";msg.GetMessage();" idx: ";msg.GetIndex()
+ end if
+ end while
+End Sub