commit df721073c5bc4a5ee43496a9097a47a3bd81911c
parent 4a3797118b601f3ffdc88805401d2df31974f49f
Author: Brian C. Lane <>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 21:38:25 -0700
Added filtering out video files
1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/HMS/source/appDisplayDirectory.brs b/HMS/source/appDisplayDirectory.brs
@@ -9,13 +9,55 @@
Sub displayDirectory( url ) As Void
' Get the directory listing
- listing = getDirectoryListing(url)
- if listing = invalid then
+ files = getDirectoryListing(url)
+ if files = invalid then
print "Failed to get directory listing for"; url
end if
- print listing
+ 'print files
+ ' Figure out what kind of directory this is
+ ' videos(0) - default, photos(1), songs(2), episodes(3)
+ if files.DoesExist("photos") then
+ dirType = 1
+ displayList = displayPhotos(files)
+ else if files.DoesExist("songs") then
+ dirType = 2
+ displayList = displaySongs(files)
+ else if files.DoesExist("episodes") then
+ dirType = 3
+ displayList = displayEpisodes(files)
+ else
+ dirType = 0
+ displayList = displayVideos(files)
+ end if
+ for each f in displayList
+ print f[1]
+ end for
+End Sub
+'** Return a list of the Videos and directories
+'** Videos end in the following extensions
+'** .mp4 .m4v .mov .wmv
+Sub displayVideos( files As Object ) As Object
+ videoTypes = { mp4 : true, m4v : true, mov : true, wmv : true }
+ list = []
+ for each f in files
+ ' This expects the path to have a system volume at the start
+ p = CreateObject("roPath", "pkg:/" + f)
+ if p.IsValid() then
+ fileType = videoTypes[p.Split().extension.mid(1)]
+ if fileType = true then
+ list.push([f, p.Split()])
+ end if
+ end if
+ end for
+ return list
End Sub