Objective C

SharePics Accepted by Apple!

SharePics Accepted by Apple!

After many minutes of redesign the new look of SharePics was ready to go. I re-packaged the app, captured new screenshots, and re-submitted it to the AppStore. 9 days later I received an email notifying me that my app was now available for sale in the App Store! Thanks to everyone who offered advice and design ideas after the crushing rejection last month. I couldn't have done it without you!
SharePics Rejected by Apple!

SharePics Rejected by Apple!

So I got my first rejection from the App Store today. According to their email it was rejected because - we cannot post your application because it appears to include features that resemble Polariod photographs. Polaroid has previously objected to other applications that include features that resemble Polaroid photographs, and believes that such features infringe its rights. Say what? Now, I'm the first to admit that my icon is a bit simple.

iPhone Tech Talk Seattle

Today is the Seattle iPhone developer talk event. I'm headed for the ferry in a few minutes and figured I would give the Wordpress iPhone app a try. I'll update this post as I have time today. Well, it was a long day! I used twitter a bit, but didn't have a chance for any longer updates here. Here are my impressions and short notes from the sessions I attended.